The Muzzle Evolution

We currently have 7 sizes in our range, as well as 5 designs in the prototype stage.
Our first muzzles launched after our Kickstarter, these were sizes Tolly, Neli and Sunny, followed by the size Rex a few months later.
Size Neli
Size Sunny
Size Rex
Whilst we are still incredibly proud of our original sizes, seeing the muzzles on thousands of dogs meant that we have learned things along the way and found improvements we can make to ensure future muzzles are even better.
No one has designed or manufactured muzzles like this before, so the entire process has been a learning curve, for everyone involved.
Our next size to launch was the eagerly anticipated size Harry. This was a completely different shape to the muzzles we have made before, as it is short and wide, aimed at Bully type dogs. We worked really hard ensuring that that edges were much rounder on this muzzle (which sounds easy but, in the injection-moulding world – not so much!) and was therefore softer on the dog.
Size Harry
One of our customers also reached out to us to tell us that she had turned a head strap into a chin strap on her dog’s Harry muzzle, to help keep it stable as he was at the lower end of the recommended measurements for Harry.
We loved the idea and made chin straps an addition to our additional strapping collection.
(Thank you so much Aimee!)
We also introduced a new padded noseband add-on.
Biothane is generally quite soft on dogs but some dogs who perhaps have less fur on the nose or are more sensitive, needed something more to ensure the muzzle wasn’t rubbing. The padded noseband had a squishy layer of foam on the inside to make it even more comfortable!
Next, size Taz launches which again has the softer edges to make it a smoother muzzle.
We also increased the pant space even more to make sure dogs with a long jaw could pant freely. We learned from our previous designs that the top profile of the muzzle could obstruct the vision for some face shapes, so we really flattened the top in front of the eyes to limit this a much as possible.
We also redesigned the way the head strap attaches, so that instead of the strap folding around the basket and creating a bump that could potentially rub some sensitive dogs, the strap now screws directly onto the basket so the noseband can lay nice and flat on the dogs’ face.
Size Taz
Our next release wasn’t actually a muzzle but was another new add-on for our existing muzzles! Whilst we love the treat hole that we designed in the front of our muzzles, we recognised that it wasn’t ideal for dogs who scavenge! So, we designed a patent-pending scavenger guard which easily clips onto the front of the muzzle to cover the treat hole and front panel.
We have 3 different scavenger guard styles now!
Long Scavenger Guard
Standard Scavenger Guard
After changing manufacturer and designer, we were able to really fine tune our design process and create a muzzle which we felt was our best yet.
Our latest size, the Mitzy, has taken a long time to develop and has posed several hurdles and challenges with its manufacture, but our dedication to creating something that is a comfortable for the dog as possible meant that it has been worth the wait!
The Mitzy has the softer edges, more pant space, a flatter top profile and the new head strap design that we had implemented previously, but it also has careful shaping under the neck with the extra pant space, to limit the muzzle bumping on a dogs neck as much as possible.
So what’s next in our Muzzle Evolution?
We have learned SO much over the last 2 years, from our first ever design to our most recent ones. We have some incredibly talented designers and manufacturers on board, and we have honed our own skills in recognising what is needed to improve on what we have already done.
We understand fit better, we know more about the confirmation of a dog’s face, we know what works and what doesn’t in terms of muzzle shape and positioning, we recognise what our customers want and need and most importantly we have taken feedback on board to make lives better for muzzled dogs.
We have an incredible 5 muzzles all in the design process currently.
Some are ready to go, but it costs us around £40k to manufacture the tools for just ONE size, hence why it takes us some time to build up the funds needed to reinvest.
We are unbelievably excited and incredibly proud of our future designs – one in particular has been a long process and we believe we have created a muzzle that no-one has been able to achieve before. It is beautifully shaped to ensure that special dogs wearing them are as comfortable as possible, it has been thoroughly tested on several dogs and we have designed entirely new strapping for it. It has been a labour of love to create a muzzle that is much-needed worldwide so we are very excited for its release – hopefully in 2025!
Register your interest here: NEW SIZES COMING
The tooling for each of our sizes has a lifespan too, so when each tool can no longer be used for current designs, we will tweak and alter them to create improved versions of each size.
Everything that we have learned will eventually be applied to each size so they are all the best they can be…and in early 2025, our very first Version 2.0 of one size will be coming…and I know we have said it before, but we think it’s our best yet!